Thursday, January 24, 2013

In Response to Dan Smith: Treasonous Efforts are not solely the purview of the Republicans

In a recent Blog by respected Roanoke blogger Dan Smith: he reported the following issue:

Another Treasonous Effort From Virginia Republicans
The damn Republicans simply won't quit trying to jimmy the voting system in this country so they can win elections without having to win the majority of the vote.
Here's the latest outrage, just out of committee (on a tie vote because one Republican has some modicum of morality). If this passes, the gerrymandered district lines in Virginia--which heavily favor Republicans--will be far more important than the popular vote and a tiny, rural county like Lee will have the same impact as huge, populous county like Fairfax.

These guys just don't know when to quit trying to take away our rights. It is a simple case of treason and we're going to need to start charging these anti-Americans with the worst crime we can.


Here is a message if you want to send email to Ralph Smith:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wind Turbine Acoustics: In-Depth Joint Study

Evaluation of Harmful Acoustic impact is far beyond the concept of Offensive Nuisance Sounds that you can hear.
In a just released study (12-27-2012), conducted for the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, a study panel of nationally recognized acoustic experts ( one, biased for the Wind industry, two, independent of previous studies, and one biased against the wind Industry) the findings of this panel unanimously confirm that infra sound produced by industrial scale wind turbines (1.5 MW and larger) can and do produce harmful acoustical impacts to humans and other life forms in range of their operation.
While the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors continue to focus upon "sounds" that are measured in the audible decibel range, they remain completely uninformed regarding potential negative health impacts to the citizens of Roanoke County in the infra sound or ultra-low frequency ranges. While these issues are abnormally abstract, it is understandable that lay people are typically incapable of evaluating such issues. However, it is not acceptable for our leadership to naively dismiss such concerns of their constituency.

For details on the Highland case see:
Enter the Docket ID as shown below to go to the document archive.
Docket ID: 2535-CE-100

(Highland Wind Farm)